May 30, 2009

Short Urban Hike and Cell Phones

We took a fairly short walk today. A lot of our time was spent researching cell phone plans along the way.

Results: Total of 3.6 miles. Staying with Sprint

View Urban Hike 5/30/09 in a larger map

Introducing Hans Magyar

We have decided to replace Connor with his evil twin "Hans". Their personalities are very similar. The biggest difference is the blinding glare if you are out in the sun with "Hans".

May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

5.5 miles

View Urban Hike - 5/25/09 in a larger map

May 17, 2009

We Quit!

Hello Everyone. For your information, Susie and I have both resigned from our jobs and are preparing to go to Tanzania for two years. Actually, I recieved another pastoral call--this coming through ELCA Global Missions. Living in Morogoro, Tanzania, Susie will likely be able to teach, while I work as pastor for the church among the Massai people. Both of us will learn Swahili in the first several months of our time there.

We are extremely excited, although leaving here--our home now for five years, and the home of Susie's family--will be bittersweet. Today, we think we've found a new home for Franklin the Dog. The loyal beasty will be missed, but what better calling for a dog than to be the friend of a boy just entering Jr. High. Leaving Pella Lutheran Church gives us mixed emotions for sure. This was my first call into public ministry and it has been awsome. Yet, all things come to an end.

Mom and Dad are planning to come up next Friday to spend a week or so. We are looking forward to having them around. Perfect time time of year to come to Montana!

Urban Hike

Amy and I took one of our "Urban Hikes" today around Longmont. Our total route was about four miles long. The map below is not entirely accurate since Google will not let us show where we used walking paths.

We saw a mallard standing in the middle of 21st Ave. He barely avoided being hit by a truck. In fact, he never took off just ran out of the way, after being honked at.

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